Dreyfus.io, Experts in NFT law

NFT . Web 3.0 . Metaverse

Dreyfus is one of the world’s leading experts, with over 20 years of experience in internet activity, intellectual property, technology, and e-commerce. With ongoing developments in Web 3.0 and the emergence of NFTs, Dreyfus has created a department and a website dedicated to NFT law, Dreyfus.io, in order to ensure your legal protection with this new technology. Our firm works in collaboration with a network of lawyers specialized in NFT law.

A full range of legal expertise in NFT law

Intellectual property law of NFTs


NFTs' copyright

Trademark law for NFTs

Contract law for NFT

In general, new NFT projects require specific legal attention. This applies to trademark and copyright protection, contracts, GTCs and UGCs related to the NFT, financial and tax structuring, and of course to starting the legal feasibility study.

Whether you’re an investor, NFT project holder, a trader, a company, an entrepreneur, or a consumer, at Dreyfus.io, we will accompany youacross every touchpoint and stage of your projects, and handle any NFT, blockchain or new technology inquiry that mightyou might be wondering about.

NFT Blog

Read our news articles about NFT, Web 3.0 and Metaverse

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